Support the medical care in the villages
When the medical teams from GEMS Hospital visit the near or more distant villages. Extreme medical cases are discovered as the villagers have not gone to the doctors. They have not gone either because the are so timid or they simply cannot finance the treatment.
This is where GEMS comes in, often helping people free of charge. Taking the patients to hospital and when necessary, covering the costs of much needed operations. This can only carry on if you support us. So that this can continue to happen is your support needed.
Save the quarry kids!
The Granit in the quarry is harder than cement. Blow after blow Subramani tries to force a piece of rock off. 12 hours long-every day! Subramani is 11, he started in the quarry when he was 6 years old. Thousands of children like Subramani and his brother Anan work in the quarries around Patna (Capitol of Bihar). Brutal backbreaking work for under 1€ a day, stone dust, heat, noise, and no possibility of going to school.
It is estimated that in India alone that around 40 million children under 15 years work in quarries like Subramani and Anan. Most of them have been working there since generations and live like slaves. False promises, fraud and sickness (often black lung) have forced them into a lifestyle from which they can’t free themselves. Their earnings enough aren’t enough to survive on and the debts are growing day by day.
Sponsor a project now and help
End bonded labour!
Bonded labour often affects illiterates. 35 % of the Indian population can’t read or write. They sign credit and work contracts they don’t understand. The money lenders simply add, two additional zeros and so the borrowed money of €100 becomes €10,000, they don’t notice the fraud. Ignorance and exploitation drive the poorest into a trap from which there is no escape. Not just the debt burdens them: severe injuries in the quarry are an everyday occurrence. Most of the bonded laborers die on black lung. If you spend the whole of your life in a quarry you have an average life expectancy of 35 years.
This cycle can only be stopped with a good education! This is where a GEMS sponsorship with a good education, meals and medical care can bring the children out of the quarries and bonded labour. But this can only be put into practice with your help.
Contribute to the building of the Kubha Clinic
A new GEMS project is the Kubha clinic. It’s being built in the Rohtas hills of Bihar and the beginning of 2022 was the start of building. € 19,000 have already been collected. Money for the building continuation is needed. This clinic will care for 350 villages that would be otherwise without medical care. From Kubha to GEMS Hospital it takes 3 days by foot. Many patients especially the pregnant women can’t walk so far, that’s why the Kubha clinic is urgently needed.
During my last visit in Bihar and in the casualty ward of the hospital, a father arrived with his very sick daughter in his arms from the Rohtas hills. The journey was to much and the way to long the child had no chance now. Every attempt to treat her failed and the child died in her fathers arms.
We want to avoid any such further fates and that’s why we need the Kubha clinic to be built.
Donate now or become a sponsor
Ease the suffering of the Musahar children
Musahar means “Rat eaters”, this was their earlier occupation. Catching and eating rats. They are the most socially excluded caste in India the families are without any possibility of escaping this system, and are looked upon as being unclean. They can't farm any land and their children can’t attend school.
GEMS is building new houses for them. GEMS also purchases a piece of land which they can farm. Sponsorships enable the children to go to school.
Help us to ease the suffering of the Musahar children.
Enable further treatment camps
GEMS Hospital carries out treatment camps. Where in a short period of time hundreds of patients operated on. The doctors come from the south of India and give up their free time for these camps. Mainly there are eye camps, the hospital has 2 newly renovated OP theatres. There are also Orthopedic camps for all knee, hip and shoulder injuries as well as treating every fractured bone.
New camps have added to included depression, fear and anxiety conditions and family therapy etc. Most patients are treated free of charge, as they are so poor.
We need your help to make these camps a regular feature.
Promote village development
Nearly all the villages in Bihar are undeveloped and backward. Many families live at the subsistence level and the children are malnourished and sick. GEMS helps to break this cycle. Sponsorships allow the children to visit a school, receive a warm lunch and receive medical care. The parents are helped on hygiene, health and nourishment.
The main part of the village development are English and Hindi schools.
Help us to give the children a future through good education.